Emitimos nosso 1º CR sem isenção fiscal, para o setor de infraestrutura aeroportuária.

We issued the first FIAGRO-FIDC in Brazil for direct support to coffee growers.

Beginning of FIDC Octante Agro I and Octante Private Credit II FIC FIM - IE.

We issued the first CRA in Brazil with hybrid (corporate + pooled) risk.

We issued the first CRA in Brazil with variable remuneration.

We surpassed the mark of R$ 2 billion in structured operations.

We surpassed the mark of R$ 1 billion in structured operations.

Structuring 4 CRAs with AAA rating

Obtaining CVM approval for collateral revolving in CRAs.

Issuance of the 1st public offering of a CRA and the 1st off-balance sheet CRA in Brazil.

Opening of Octante Securitization S.A

Beginning of Octante Private Credit FIC FIM - IE.

Foundation of Octante Capital