About Us

Since 2008 , reference in the market.

The team of Octante is composed by professionals with extensive experience in the local and international markets.

The Asset Management had its first fund launched in 2009 and now offers the Octante Crédito Privado FIM IE fund which is open for Investments. It has approximately R$ 600 million under management.

The Securitization Firm is registered at the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and authorized to issue structured securities. It was responsible for the first public issuance of an agricultural asset-backet security (CRA) in 2012, being the pioneer in this modality.

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See our

Market Milestones.

Emitimos nosso 1º CR sem isenção fiscal, para o setor de infraestrutura aeroportuária.

Emitimos nosso 1º CR sem isenção fiscal, para o setor de infraestrutura aeroportuária.

Emitimos o 1º FIAGRO-FIDC do Brasil para fomento direto a cafeicultores

We issued the first FIAGRO-FIDC in Brazil for direct support to coffee growers.

Início do FIDC Octante Agro I e do Octante Crédito Privado II FIC FIM - IE

Beginning of FIDC Octante Agro I and Octante Private Credit II FIC FIM - IE.

Emitimos o 1º  CRA do Brasil com risco híbrido (corporativo + pulverizado)

We issued the first CRA in Brazil with hybrid (corporate + pooled) risk.

Emitimos o 1º  CRA do Brasil com remuneração variável

We issued the first CRA in Brazil with variable remuneration.

Superamos a marca de R$ 2 bilhões em operações estruturadas

We surpassed the mark of R$ 2 billion in structured operations.

Superamos a marca de R$ 1 bilhão em operações estruturadas.

We surpassed the mark of R$ 1 billion in structured operations.

Estruturação de 4 CRAS com rating AAA.

Structuring 4 CRAs with AAA rating

A Octante é fundada por William Trosman.

Obtaining CVM approval for collateral revolving in CRAs.

Emissão da 1ª oferta pública de um CRA e do 1º CRA off-balance no Brasil

Issuance of the 1st public offering of a CRA and the 1st off-balance sheet CRA in Brazil.

Abertura da Octante Securitizadora S.A.

Opening of Octante Securitization S.A

Início do Octante Crédito Privado FIC FIM - IE

Beginning of Octante Private Credit FIC FIM - IE.

Fundação da Octante Capital

Foundation of Octante Capital