Asset Management

Asset Management

A Different perspective.

Our History

Founded in 2008, Octante has an Asset Management company formed by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the local and international markets.

Our first fund, launched in 2009, Octante Crédito Privado FIM IE, is open for investment. The approximate total assets under management are 600 million Brazilian reais.

Octante operates independently, with the highest ethical and excellence standards, seeking full alignment of interests among its investors, employees, and service providers.

Focus on maximizing risk-adjusted returns for investors.

Análises fundamentalistas qualitativa e quantitativa sustentam a construção de um processo de investimento robusto.

We provide diversification solutions to investors through differentiated strategies in international markets.

Our discussion environment is horizontal and heterogeneous, with a wide range of ideas, and guided by meritocracy.

Our Funds.

The funds we manage.

Open Funds

Fund Name:


Fund Name:



Closed Funds

Fund Name:

Domus Octante I Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios de Responsabilidade Limitada

Culttivo Octante Crédito Agrícola Fiagro – Direitos Creditórios

Cedar Octante Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios

The Octante Gestão de Recursos Ltda does not commercialize or distribute investment fund quotas. The information contained in this material is solely for informational purposes and should not be considered an offer to acquire investment fund quotas. It is in line with the regulations of investment funds but does not replace them. Investment funds are not guaranteed by the administrator, portfolio manager, any insurance mechanism, or the credit guarantee fund – FGC. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Investors are advised to carefully read the investment fund regulations when investing their resources.

Regulatory Information.

In compliance with regulatory requirements and with the goal of maintaining transparency in our actions, we provide below some important information

Meet Our Team

Specialists Dedicated to Your Investment.

William Trosman

Founder & Chairman

Sócio fundador da Octante Capital, William possui mais de 40 anos de experiência no mercado financeiro. Foi sócio fundador da Mauá Investimentos, além de ter atuado como Diretor do Credit-Suisse e Head-trader do Banco Nacional, ING Bank, Bankers Trust e Citibank. William é graduado em Administração de Empresas pela FGV-SP.


Diney Vargas


Graduado em Administração de Empresas pela FGV-SP, possui mais de 35 anos de experiência no mercado financeiro. Foi Product Manager no Citi, VP no Salomon Brothers, Managing Director no Merrill Lynch e na Seagul Capital, além de ter atuado como Managing Partner da Apex Capital por mais de 13 anos.


Laszlo Lueska

Portfolio Manager

With over 12 years of experience in the financial market, Laszlo is responsible for Octante Capital's International Fixed Income Strategy (Sovereign and Corporate) in Latin America and the Currency Coupon strategy. Previously, Laszlo worked for 3 and a half years in technical areas of the industrial sector (Procter & Gamble, Plastic Omnium, and CHP). Laszlo holds a degree in Production Engineering from the Escola Politécnica at USP, has a Master of Science in General Engineering from École Centrale de Lyon (France), and a master's degree in Economics from FGV-EESP, with an emphasis on quantitative finance.


Antonio Kritsinelis


Graduated from UFRJ with an MBA in Finance from IBMEC/RJ. With 13 years of experience in the financial market, he worked at Grupo XP in the institutional fixed income desk of the brokerage and later in the management of fixed income funds for the asset management company. In addition, he worked at Fundação TELOS, where he was involved in macroeconomic analysis and the management of fixed income and other assets, including stocks, Private Equity Funds (FIPs), multi-strategy funds, and real estate investment trusts (FIIs).


Rômulo Landim

Head of Legal & Compliance

Advogado, bacharel em direito pela FMU/SP, pós-graduado em Direito dos Contratos pela FGV/SP e em Direito e Economia dos Sistemas Agroindustriais pelo IBDA. Possui mais de 9 anos de experiência em operações no mercado de capitais. Antes de entrar para a Octante, foi associado do escritório Duarte Garcia, Serra Netto e Terra e, atuou como advogado de Real Estate no Bicalho e Mollica Advogados.


Tarsis Menezes

Investments Analyst

Graduated in Information Systems from Mackenzie Presbyterian University with an MBA in Financial and Capital Markets from Unyleya College. With over 10 years of experience in the fields of information technology, finance, and maintenance engineering. He has worked on projects for both national and multinational companies, including IBM, Bradesco, Capgemini, T-Systems, Stefanini, and SulAmérica.


Pedro Mattos

Investments Analyst

Graduated in Economics from the Federal Fluminense University and certified with CPA-20, he works at Octante with a focus on Quantitative Analysis and Process Automation using programming. He previously completed projects involving the development of Python packages, web scraping, and chatbots.
